Vascular and Cardiovascular Surgery

From the Heart to the Lumen:
Immersive Assessment of Cardiovascular Anatomy


Depth visualization of afferent and efferent branches of an aneurysm

Capacity to enter into vessel to visualize lumen and plaques

Import devices for fitting

Assessment of fenestration of dissection flap

Potential Uses and Benefits of Our Medical Solution

Surgical Decision Tool

Endovascular vs Vascular



Access Site and Implant Selection

Operating Time

Control in the OR

Implant Placement Confirmation


Clinical Evidence

Fast-track Virtual Reality Software to Facilitate 3-Dimensional Reconstruction in Congenital Heart Disease

The study aimed to simplify the clinical use of 3D reconstruction and VR systems by validating the DIVA software. Five inexperienced users were instructed to create 3D models of patients’ hearts with right partial anomalous pulmonary venous return using the software. Their results were compared with a benchmark reconstruction by an experienced user. The participants successfully recreated 3D models in a relatively short time, maintaining good overall quality.  As they gained experience, there was a statistical improvement in the quality and time taken to create the models. The DIVA software proved to be a simple and effective tool for accurate 3D reconstruction, even for inexperienced users. 

Fast-track VR for Cardiac Imaging in Congenital Heart Disease

We sought to evaluate the appropriateness of cardiac anatomy renderings by a new virtual reality (VR) technology, entitled DIVA, directly applicable to raw MRI imaging data without intermediate segmentation steps in comparison to standard 3D rendering techniques (3D PDF and 3D printing). Differences in post processing times were also evaluated.


Enhanced visualization of the afferent and efferent branches enables us to more precisely determine which vessels we can keep in order to preserve as much renal function as possible.
Pr. Dominique Fabre
Professor of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery and Cardiopulmonary Transplantation, Université Paris-Saclay Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeon, Hôpital Marie-Lannelongue
You can see the aneurysm very clearly and know whether this will need a bypass or a stent, so that very complex cases could be done very nicely. Great Software.
Dr. Sherif Sultan
President of International Societe of Vascular Surgery, Pr of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery
We assessed the use of VR models that has all the advantages of the other 3D modeling techniques but with the significant advantages of being easy to manage, reproducible, faster, and less prone to human errors.
Dr. Francesca Raimondi
Chief of Complex Non Invasive Cardiac Imaging Unit
Pediatric Cardiology Unit, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria MEYER